Klamath Bees
Living with
Honey Bees
Katharina Davitt, born in Berlin, Germany, now residing in Klamath Falls, Oregon has a passion for honey bees.
She is an University of Montana Master Beekeeper and an OSU Certified Beekeeper, who loves to talk about honey bees and their importance.
She is currently an instructor and mentor for the Oregon State University Master Beekeeper Program. She has become known for her presentations at State Beekeepers conferences, which she does in person or via Zoom. She also engages in speeches for clubs and other organizations.
You may see her at one of her ventures with her honey bee exhibit or giving a presentation. She also teaches beekeeping to interested groups.

Live observation hive and beekeeping items. Our exhibit also features brochures and catalogs.

Honey tasting stations. Amazing colors and flavors.

Poster exhibition. See close up images of honey bees, their environment, and learn about plants bees love.