Klamath Bees
Living with
Honey Bees
We will be present at the following events:
May 30th, 2015, 9:00am
Propolis Good for Human and Bee Health
KBREC Extension Office, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR
Propolis. What is it? I will cover how do humans benefit from it, and new medical advances. Where does propolis come from? Sources of resin used to make propolis, and how honey bees work it. The effects of propolis on the honey bee. I will explain the health benefits to honey bees and research on fighting pests and diseases effecting honey bees. There are things the beekeeper can do to help propolis production, not only for retail sales, but also to help the honey bees. Join me on another adventure exploring honey bees. It is a free event.

March 25th, 2015, 9:00am
Neonicotinoids & Colony Collapse Disorder
KBREC Extension Office, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR
Lot's of new thing and regulations from the EPA when it comes to Neonicotinoids. I go into deep details and the search of what is causing Colony Collapse Disorder. There is more to it then we know.Add Event Details here

March 28, 2015 9am
Dividing Colonies in Spring
KBREC Extension Office, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Learn about swarming and various colony division methods to reduce swarming tendency.

March 28th, 2015 9am
Blake Little Preservation
KBREC Extension Office, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
A small presentation on the photographer Blake Little and his honey project. More about this work can be found on his website. http://www.preservationbook.com

March 7, 2015 9 am - 1 PM
Beginning Beekeeping Class
OSU Klamath Basin Research & Extension Center 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Class will be taught by Katharina Davitt.
www.klamathbeekeepers.org for more details. Class cost $25. Book $10 or free download at http://pubs.cas.psu.edu/FreePubs/pdfs/agrs93.pdf .
First Session:
• Welcome & Introduction
• The Colony:
o Type of Bees in a hive (Queen, Drones, Workers)
o Bee Development and Life Cycle of a Worker
o The Brood (Eggs, Larvae, Pupae)
o Bee Breeds
• Equipment:
o Hive Components
o Overview Startup Equipment
o Individual Hive Components
o Beekeeper Tools and Clothing
• Apiary Location; Keeping Bees in Town; Good Neighbor Beekeeper
• Acquiring Bees
• Handling Bees and Smoker Use
• Second Session:
• Installing a Package
o Preparing Site for Package Installation
o Installing a Package
o Package Installation Videos, 14 minute video
o Feeding Package Sugar Syrup
o Packages Bees, the Days after Installation
• Maladies (An Introductory):
o Brood Diseases
o Diseases of Adult Bees
o Parasitic Mites
o Pests
• Queen-less Hive - Laying Worker
• Bee Stings, Bee Sting Kit, Epi Pen
• Keeping Bees in Oregon and California
• Questions and Answers
• Closing Speech and Package Order InformationSecond Session:
• Installing a Package
o Preparing Site for Package Installation
o Installing a Package
o Package Installation Videos, 14 minute video
o Feeding Package Sugar Syrup
o Packages Bees, the Days after Installation
• Maladies (An Introductory):
o Brood Diseases
o Diseases of Adult Bees
o Parasitic Mites
o Pests
• Queen-less Hive - Laying Worker
• Bee Stings, Bee Sting Kit, Epi Pen
• Keeping Bees in Oregon and California
• Questions and Answers
• Closing Speech and Package Order Information
28 February 2015 -- 9am
Keeping Honey Bees -- A Sustainable Approach
KBREC Extention Office, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Katharina Davitt tried to find the answer to what the interactions between honey bees and humans are. Is one taken the other one for granted? Are we taking advantage of an insect to the point of no return? What is the human race doing for the honey bees? To understand we need to step back in agricultural history, and see what set off a downward spiral effect in the demise of the honey bee. Are we to late, or can we save the honey bee? Join Katharina Davitt in her quest of understanding the interaction of the agricultural revolution and insects. Learn where it can go from here, and feel empowered.

January 31, 2015, 9am
Neonicotinoids are a Serious Threat to our Honey Bees
KBREC Extension Office 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls
What is killing our bees? Learn not only about neonicotinoids, but also other factors that are hurting honey bees and other pollinators in the USA. Presented by Paul Davitt. This is a free event.

Jan 17, 2015
Play Outdoors
Klamath Fair Grounds
10-4 free children event.
February 6 - March 27, 2015
OSU Master Beekeeper Program Classes
OSU KBREC, 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR
Classes will be each Friday from 5-7.30 pm for registed students. Please register at www.oregonmasterbeekeeper.org to attend this class.
15 November 2014, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Oregon Honey Festival
Ashland Springs Hotel, Ashland, OR
We will be showing our honey bee exhibition and sell honey (Davitt Apiaries) at this great event. Celebrating Bees, Honey, Raw Honey and Almonds at the Oregon Honey Festival in Ashland
Ashland Springs Hotel
21 August 2014, 6.00 - 9.30 PM
Third Thursday Street Fair Downtown Klamath Falls
Third/Main Street. Klamath Falls, OR
A street festival downtown Klamath Falls. The Klamath Basin Beekeeper's Association will be there with an educational booth.
August 21st will celebrate kids at our Children's Fair. Based on King's Day in Amsterdam, the main feature is the street market where kids set up pint-sized vendor spaces and sell their outgrown toys and books. The area will also feature lots of games, contest, and fun activities for children ages 10 and under.
14-17 August 2014, during normal fairground opening hours
Klamath County Fair
Klamath County Fairgrounds, Klamath Falls
Honey Bee Exhibition at the Fair.
Blue Building. 4 day event.
Our honey bee exhibit is with the OSU Extension Office and OSU Master Gardeners.
THURSDAY, 12 NOON - 10:00 P.M.;
SUNDAY, 10 A.M. - 8 P.M.
02 August 2014, 09:00 AM - 02.00 PM
KKBA Intermediate Beekeeping Class
OSU Klamath Basin Research & Extension Center 6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Learn about forms of honey, harvesting and storage, wax processing, fall and winter management, and maladies.
Class cost $25.
28 July 2014, 03:00-06.00 PM
OSU KBREC Field Day Celebation 100 Years of Extention
6923 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR
Celebration of 100 years of Extension in Klamath County. See flyer below for details. Did I mention the OSU Master Beekeeper Program will have an observation hive with live bees. Children come on down and enjoy our honey tasting stations. Fun.